Minimal React MUI Dashboard
MUI React Admin Template
Minimal Dashboard is a clean and professional Next.js and Vite React admin template built with Material-UI v5. It comes packed with over 70+ pages and 100+ React components, making it a powerful and flexible UI kit to kickstart your next project. Minimal Dashboard blends modern aesthetics with efficient functionality, offering a seamless user experience for developers and end-users alike.
Features –
Features –
- Next.js v14.x (App Dir version) and Vite support for modern, high-performance development
- Material-UI v5 for a sleek, modern design with customizable components
- 100% React Hooks and React Context API for state management
- Light/Dark mode to offer a personalized experience
- Editors, ApexCharts, and SWR Fetching for data visualization and content management
- Dropzone Upload, Image Lazy Loading, and Color Theme Changing for performance optimization
- React Hook Form + Zod for form validation and management
- ESLint & Prettier integration for code quality assurance
- Animated Framer Motion for smooth, interactive UI elements